Events 2020

February 2020

Conservation Genetics course (weekly - Tuesday)

Antwerp ZOO Hosted by Antwerp ZOO i.s.m. Universiteit Antwerpen

Every Tuesday, scientists of ZOO Science teach a course on Conservation Genetics to biology undergraduates of Ghent University and Antwerp University.

March 2020

April 2020

EAZA Great Ape Taxon Advisory Group midyear meeting

Ouwehands dierenpark, Rhenen, The Netherlands Hosted by EAZA (European Association of Zoos and Aquaria)

The EAZA Great Ape Taxon Advisory Group consists of a number of experts from the European zoo community who take care of the great apes.

October 2020

Biology Masters Day & Kets Award 2020

Antwerp ZOO Hosted by ZOO Science & Koninklijke Belgische Vereniging voor Dierkunde

The during the Biology Masters Day, all Belgian Universities provide future Master in Biology students all required information to make a well-informed study choice.

December 2020

ONLINE CRC Zoo Research Symposium

Online meeting Hosted by Antwerp ZOO Centre for Research and Conservation (CRC)

During this symposium we will present the results of ongoing research projects in which the CRC is involved.